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  • Writer's pictureDr J

Blame the Furniture for Poor Education!

The learning process has determinants affecting if the students do really learn. Factors such as the ability and effectiveness of the instructor, the method of instruction, the attentiveness of students. But, did you know that the furniture arrangement in the classroom affects learning too? Well, it does.

A classroom is seen as the learning environment for both teachers and students. Teachers have control over the classroom setting while students are mostly stuck in the environment as they are told to do so. According to recent studies, teachers hold dominion over their classroom environment—they even make it personalized in most cases. Teachers believe that through this, they are able to control the social interaction among students. Setting up the classroom in a way that feels open, for example, may create an atmosphere of student engagement and participation over a classroom that is set up to separate students and maintain order.

Sensory stimulation is another positive effect of a good classroom setting. For children, it is

easier to learn in an appealing classroom. Pictures, colors, sounds, and so forth are crucial in making the room feel right for students. The arrangement of furniture affects space allocation and space allocation affects the learning atmosphere. If the classroom looks narrow and small, students will feel restricted and be less likely to interact. On the other hand, if a classroom provides adequate space, students will feel that there is space for interaction.

Many teachers focus on pedagogy and curriculum ignoring the details of a welcoming classroom. But, what is a class of seemingly smart students when a classroom seems too dark for interaction?

It is surprising to know that furniture arrangement affects learning, but it could be the difference between a great school year and a year of unproductive struggling for power.

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