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  • Writer's pictureDr J

Do We Introduce Computers to Children? The Pros

2 years? 3 years? 6? 8? 12? 15? Never? When do we start the process of introducing children to computers? Educators, parents, even gray-haired and learned professors cannot agree. Even if they

can agree on an age, a second question then arises: Does computer-based content positively or negatively affect the learning process? I can hear the screams of protest and support in full interactive, multi-media, broadband enhanced detail even as I write. Meanwhile, millions of dollars are being spent to bring computers and the Internet to elementary schools around the globe. The only area all agree on, well maybe, is that all students should be taught how to use computers and the Internet eventually since all will need an understanding of technology to enjoy the products of technology and, in many cases, to work within their future field. So, some of the main arguments will be summarized for and against technology in early education and a synopsis of one way we could address this vital issue will be discussed. Firstly, let's take a look at the arguments for early introduction.


Future Needs: Computer skills and an understanding of how to use the Internet are already critical to modern society. These include needing computers in the work environment, for information gathering for work or pleasure, for shopping, for communications, etc. If this is true today, how much more will we need computers and those skills tomorrow? The Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment predicts that the computer industry will continue to show the greatest growth of any industry in the USA. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), more than half of all workers used a computer on the job in September 2001, and, nearly three-fourths of those workers connected to the Internet or used e-mail.

Early Skills Acquisition: As with all fundamental skills, the earlier the education system allows students to become familiar with technology, the greater depth of understanding and effectiveness that they will have using it. It is immaterial to argue that skills acquired today by a five year old will not be relevant later in life because technology will develop beyond comprehension. This is because skills acquired can focus on an understanding of what computers can do rather than just how to interact with today's computers. In addition, once the initial groundwork has been obtained, the potential for adaptation to a dynamic system can be incrementally updated in the same way as adults have to adapt to new technology.

Personalization of Learning Levels: Computer-based content allows for a level of individual engagement and interactivity that comparative learning systems fail to deliver. By its nature, learning with the computer is a one-on-one experience or, at largest, a small group experience. This alleviates the paradigm of large classes with minimal personal intervention. Also, computers allow users to individualize their speed of attainment to suite their personal needs and capabilities. The speedy are not held back and those that need greater repetition are not passed over. Additionally special groupings can be more easily and effectively catered for.

Wide Distribution of Quality Teaching: Computer-based learning allows the maximum effectiveness and distribution of the best quality teaching and content. A great teacher is not limited by the classroom but can reach out across the Internet to thousands, either through building digital lessons or distance learning software and programs. Most distance learning systems today can be configured as live broadcasts with high levels of interactivity with the teacher.

Compare with "Do We Introduce Computers to Children?--The Pros" published Dec. 30

And Address the importance with "Do We Introduce Computers

to Children?--Why It Matters" published Jan. 4

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